Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Awww hell

Im headed to the library tomorrow to figure out some numbers to give my Dad...yes I just got news that im going to see him for the first time in 10 years..im scared as hell. Is he going to recognize me? Will he be happy with who I turned out to be? I dont know...but I will on Saturday. And the most important thing right now...will he help me with collage. God knows he has enough money that hell just have to give up a weekend retreat and a new suit and he could completely pay for it. I hope he will cause my mom has a hard enough time just with the bills. It sounds selfish to think that money is so important here. But it is. This determines my future. Im scared of getting to emotional...or maybe im not scared of that...maybe im scared that he wont really want me. But I cant worry about that now. He fooled around on my mom, hes a wanker..and if he ever reads this. This is what I have to say. Ive forgiven you a long time ago for everything you put us through, for not being there when we needed you. Ive never been able to call anyone else Dad. The truth is: you are my dad. Now its up to you to decide if you want to step up to the plate and act like one.
I dont know why ive made public my most private thoughts. But I made a promise to myself. This is going to be 100% real and true. And maybe..just maybe one more parent will understand their daughter. I know I wish mine would...and I know someday they will.

and it all starts

We all start out in out individual journeys in life with one question. From the moment we start thinking about cutting the “apron strings” and moving out on our own, going to college. We all have one simple question in mind. Who am I. Who am I, not who should I be..or what do other people want me to be, not who do my parents want me to be...but for the first time ever the choice of who you want to be is completely yours. You could be anybody you want to be, but then yet again you could end up being nobody...a nobody with nobody to blame but somebody...you. Thats the choice I face now. I am going to college a year early.
At seventeen im going to be moving away from home.. I am going to be on my own. I graduated from high-school a year and a half early, im one of those “smart” kids. But then again you wouldn't know it if you saw me. Im not rich, hell im not even middle class. I dont wear glasses. I actually dont even like homework. Youd never know me, im one of those “invisible” kids. I am here to tell you my story, as it happens.
Maybe a few kids like me will be able to relate to me and realize they are amazing people with a lot to give the world and that there parents arent crazy and neither are they. And maybe theyre will even be a parent or two that will read this and realize that there are two sides to every story and maybe that while they are watching theyre babies leave the nest they will read this and understand a kids perspective...we may be snotty, rebellious and sometimes downright mean...we all love you in our own way and thats why this is so hard...yes I hate to admit it. Us teenagers that are moving away and are determined to conquer the world and be something great...yes, us...were scared...scared sh*tless.
I am working through this process and I want you to come with me, understand what its like for us. And maybe some parents will comment and tell us what its like for them. So let me tell you a little bit about myself. Im 16 and this is my last christmas at home, my last summer at home. Scary huh? My dad left when I was 6, my brother was a month old. It was me and my mom for a long time. Then she got married again when I was 11, he was abusive. She divorced and just remarried last year. An amazing person...but we dont really get along. I have no contact with my dad.. so its always kinda been me and her.
My brother is 9, hes growing so fast and I cant say how much ill miss him. My mom remarried a guy with 3 kids...yikes. My little brother loves animals..and cars and tractors...what boy doesn't? ...well...so does my mom. Hes an amazing kid...and a fierce mommas boy. But I love him. Then theres my grandma, shes staying with us right now. Shes my rock, always there when I need her...shes pretty cool to. Acts about 45 years younger then she is.
Then theres me. Been in love with the same boy since 7th grade. He moved and I tried to move on. Never did. If I was a little taller and skinnier I said I wanted to be a dancer or and actress (disclaimer..im not at all fat..or even chubby..im just not anorexic) but then I said I wanted to me a vet..until I realized that I hate the sight of ligaments and guts. Then I decided I wanted to be a cop, im still debating that one. Or maybe a teacher..or go to culinary school...you see my problem? Well I have 5 months to figure it out You guys should help me! ok...not really. Im not a tomboy but im not a bimbo, I categorize myself as “capable female” . Anyway youll find out way more about me as the weeks go on. See you next week, anything could happen, it just probably wont be exciting. FASFA forms anyone? Welcome to the life of ..well...me. Or, as you just may find out....your daughter.